Just writing a blog is not going to give you traffic to your website. Its certain methods you have to use to back link your website on to other websites to get a higher ranking on Google Pages. Now this gets your blog more viral faster and advertises to a bigger audience who probably don't know what they searching for.
First Step:
1. Post links in your articles to your social media accounts.
a. Here are five social marketing networks to set up a back link to your website or blog.
1. Facebook
2. Google+
3. Linkedin
4. Twitter
5. Digg
Second Step:
1. The hold key to back linking to social media websites is joining in the entire community. Once you place your links on these websites you generate a huge audience full of traffic. You need to relate to people and say nice comments about there interest in the products or services you have to offer. Talk to everybody in those communities all over the social media websites. You don't want people calling you a fraud or just another self-promoter.
Third and Final Step:
Make sure you post your links at the bottom of your blog.
Check and make sure that you post your link with the http://
code in front of your link. This will make it easier for your
readers to just click and link to your blog. This will build
How to rank high on Google may seem like a hard thing to do, but many marketers and advertisers do achieve this. And while they may not come up on the first page of Google, they can get pretty close to it. The secret is not into tricking the system like many think. Rank high on Google, this is a powerful company and to smart for black hat marketers. Google changes their algorithm a lot of times a year. Why do you think they do this? Because so they can make sure that websites that are focused on content farming SEO tactics don't get ranked on Google.
Google made changes which are now been referred to as the "panda" update. This was designed to go after content farmers to lower their rank on Google. Company's like farming company's try to sell AdWords on their pages to trick the system to make money. Google is always looking out for these types of pages which is the reason for the "panda" update. EzineArticles and Suite101 got hit the hardest. Please keep in mind you don't want to be like them. How to get your website high on Google is your number one focus.
Below I'm giving you 5 ways to rank high with Google.
1. It's all about the customer: It is all about the customer not about your website. Google's focus is to make sure websites focus on the customer. Always make sure you site is focused on the customer and the reader. You really need to take yourself out of the equation and make sure your website is all about the customers your are trying to provide service to.
2. All about links: It is important to get links, but always get the links from high traffic sites.
3. Search Engine Results Page: This is the page that shows content from your website. Most of the time it will be on the first three lines. Make sure the first paragraph isn't about you. Its got to be all about the reader. If its about you then that will affect the rankings on Google.
4. Title Tags and Keywords: You can't just focus on the keywords and forget about the title tags. Title tags are what your page name says at the top of the search bar.Use keywords in this area, this will help you rank high in the Google search engine.
5. Ad and Site Updates: Search engines love brand new content. Every time you update your website it tells the search engine that you added new content. And to much ad content will lower your ranking in Google.
Getting a higher ranking with Google does not happen over night. You basically need to keep your site current and always update with new content. For people who have a website that is focused on the customer you need to update your blog often, and spend time building back links to your blog. This will give you higher ranking on Google.
If you sell services or products one of the challenges is identifying great prospects who want what you have to offer and ready to sign up or buy. Don't waste time on cold calls and other marketing activities that turn no sales. Wouldn't you rather have a steady income of leads that not only include contact information but will give you an idea of what the customer needs, and the answer to there problems. Where to get lead?
You have a website, and thousands of people visit your site each day. If your site is working good it should be giving you hundreds of people who want to be on your leads list each week and dozens of qualified people who want you to call hem right away about your products or service.
Use the following five tips to get a list of qualified customers.
1.Collect Contact Information
Collect the email address of every person who comes to your website and is interested in the services and products you have available. Offer a free article, a guide as bait to motivate people to give you their email address so you can tell them about your products and services.
Offer your customers something they want, and place your sign-up form at the top of your home page and in the side part of the navigation bar on the other page of your website. This should help you capture the email address of most of the people who come to your website each week.
2. Use Auto Responder to Collect Detailed Information
Use a free giveaway and sign up forms to get people to give you their email information you can market to your customers but it also will be helpful to have more information.
Use a autoresponder to send people a confirmation when they ask for your article or sign up for you newsletter. In the email ask them to give you contact information and ask them some questions about what they are interested in.
3. Get People To Let You Know How You Can Help Them
Most people use the Internet as a tool to find solutions and to hire people who can help them answer their problems. Tell people to contact you by including an inquiry form on your website. Include your form on high visibility pages, at the bottom of your homepage and other key pages about you products and services.
When you receive completed inquiry forms you can go through them to identify which ones are good enough to follow up on based on the answers they give.Then pick up the phone and use the good leads to find new customers and grow your business.
4. Collect Feedback and Learn More About Your Customer Needs
Once people visit your website, the pages that describe your products and services, that means they've expressed an interest. Some will move quickly to purchase, others will discover they don't have any further interest and a lot of people will fall into the middle. These are the people who are interested but not ready to purchase yet.
Before visitors leave your website, you can use exit pop up windows to collect feedback and to find out what the customers are looking for.
Offer a free article to bring visitors to fill in the form. When you get these feedback forms, follow up with a call. Use this tactic to find out why they didn't buy the services or product or to get further information about the problems they have. Once you have the customer on the phone you will be surprised how many customers you can turn into clients.
5. Send our Surveys to Identify What Sells
If you have a newsletter you can leverage the trust of your readers to collect what the customer want to buy. If you have been sending out ides and information to your customers they will be be more than likely to respond when you ask for their input.
Use these five lead collection strategies to identify customers with a problem, one you can solve. When you know who needs help, its easy to follow up, close the sale and grow your business.
Now there are many things I like to do in my wonderful life.
The number one thing is traveling to different places to experience
different cultures. Everywhere you go they have food that is only
popular in that one city. A whole line of different kinds of entertainment that's not the same in every city you visit.
When me and my family travel we make sure we pack important
things. We always invest in good running shoes because once we
arrive in that city we check in, then hit popular spots in the city.
Those good running shoes will keep our feet from hurting.
Me and my family love Nike shoes, especially the air max running shoes,
We also pack loose fitting comfortable clothes because you always want
to be comfortable moving around all day. My family likes to wear clothes
form department stores that give good deals and always give the customer
a percentage off the entire purchase. Now you know my kids got to have
all these laptops, smart phones, and PlayStation portables. But I have rules
on when the kids can use them. The rule is you can only use those electronics
once the day is over and we are in the hotel for the night.
Traveling to different cities always brings the shopping out of my wife.
She has to visit every mall, TJ max, Marshall's, and flea markets. And once
we in the mall her favorite store is Macy's. That store is so huge we stay in
there for hours. Then we hit the tour sites that the city has to offer. Some
times the tours are good and some are not. Now I like the tours where you
ride around New York Time Square looking at all of the tall buildings.
After all of that me and my family visit different restaurants that have the
best food to offer.
Now I like all different types of food. I look for all the good restaurants I
see on the food, travel, and discovery channels. Most of the time I will already
have a list made out of the best restaurants in that city. My wife always end up
buying different cook books because she loves to cook, and learn new recipes.
After all that traveling to different places we bring back so much stuff that we have
to invest in extra storage. But its all worth it because we get closer as a family.
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There are a lot of things going on in the world today.
People have got off track about the meaning of life. Don't get me wrong, I want to be wealthy and have a lot of money. But I know its not everything to have a lot of money and forget about the real reason we are here on this earth. And that reason is love. We as people should love one another and enjoy life as the emotional humans that we are. Enjoy the emotions and the feelings we get on a daily basis. We always breaking our backs to work a 9-5 job making other people wealthy. What we should do is consecrate all that hard work on starting your own business. People we need to focus on the bigger picture of becoming established as a business. I know its easier said than done, but trust me I know its hard. That shouldn't stop you from accomplishing your dreams. People we have to dig deep into our hearts and find that push that will keep us focus on our goals. Put GOD first and let him guide you on the right path. Pray and have faith in the word of GOD and he will see you threw. Do it for your family who have been there during hard times. Do it for your kids who love you no matter what. Also do it for your community, because once you become wealthy you will be able to give back to your community. Financial freedom is not going to happen over night. Its a process and a journey in becoming wealthy. Its not luck, its a science to it. Forming plans and goals that need to be put into action everyday. Enjoy the journey because it will make you a better man or woman. It will also create you into that CEO that you always dreamed of becoming. A owner of his/her business helping others to make it in life. Just imagine the life of a wealthy person. Not having to get up early in the morning going to work to make somebody else rich. The privilege to spend more time with the family and taking vacations in places you never been. Sounds good don't it? Yes, that sounds like music to my ears. All those things and more will happen because you worked hard for it. Once that right opportunity comes along you better take advantage of it because it might not happen again. Especially when you only have to invest $40 to start a business. That sounds like its to good to be true. Well people it is TRUE! The company is called Motor Club of America. This company will change your life and help you afford benefits at the same time. Motor club is a insurance company that has been around since 1926. Its like AAA but 3 times better because Motor Club offers more and more benefits than AAA. Plus, Motor Club gives commission on every person you bring into the company. MCA in America is one of the best opportunities out right now. People take advantage of the good benefits that you and other people need. Lets say you invest $40 to become a member. You will not only get great benefits, but you will get $40+$40=$80. which means you will get double your money every time you sign up somebody into Motor Club. Now after you began signing people up into the company you will also start creating residual income. Because every time that person you signed up sign another person up under them you get paid for that as well. Isn't that awesome! Motor Club will provide you with a capture page and your own website. To be able to make money even when your not doing anything. Making money in your sleep while giving people benefits they can afford every month. So come on and join the Motor Club of America Team.