Sunday, September 30, 2012

How To Make Back Links To Your Blog

Just writing a blog is not going to give you traffic to your website. Its certain methods you have to use to back link your website on to other websites to get a higher ranking on Google Pages. Now this gets your blog  more viral faster and advertises to a bigger audience who probably don't know what they searching for.

First Step:

1. Post links in your articles to your social media accounts.
    a. Here are five social marketing networks to set up a back link to your website or blog.
       1. Facebook
       2. Google+
       3. Linkedin
       4. Twitter
       5. Digg

Second Step:

1. The hold key to back linking to social media websites is joining in the entire community. Once you place your links on these websites you generate a huge audience full of traffic. You need to relate to people and say nice comments about there interest in the products or services you have to offer. Talk to everybody in those communities all over the social media websites. You don't want people calling you a fraud or just another self-promoter.

Third and Final Step:

Make sure you post your links at the bottom of your blog.
Check and make sure that you post your link with the http://
code in front of your link. This will make it easier for your
readers to just click and link to your blog. This will build

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1 comment:

  1. you should submit your blog to article sites, you can also get 500 free backlinks from, also social monkee

    i also recommend i have a ref link for this let me know if you want it, other things you can do easily is add images and give them keyword tags so the engines pick up on them

    my skype is ptcworldsocial my site is teh same name

    i enjoyed reading, ohh and why not add adsense to your blogger?
